Eating Disorders are on the Rise. What Can Parents Do About It?

By Lauren Galush MS, RD, LD    Eating disorder instances have risen in the last 20 years and impact individuals across all demographics, including age, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. In recent years, children have begun to exhibit e...

February is Heart Health Month!

Blog written by Amenti Bekere, WIC Nutritionist Assistant at Mary's Center Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. February is heart health awareness month which focuses on raising awareness for heart disea...

How a Healthy Diet Helps to Prevent Lead Exposure

Lead is a naturally occurring element that can be toxic to humans, especially children under 6 years old and pregnant adults. If gone undetected, children can experience severe mental and physical development. Common symptoms of Lead poisoning in ...

Why WIC Wants You to Eat More Fruits & Veggies!

Fruits and vegetables are not only tasty but also full of nutrients and have lots of health benefits. Some nutrients found in delicious fruits and vegetables are Calcium, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, Folic Acid, and Potassium. Calciu...

National Nutrition Month: Fuel for the Future

Throughout the month of March, we celebrate National Nutrition Month with the theme “Fuel for the Future.” The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognizes Registered Dietitians (RDs) and nutritionists as the food and nutrition experts who provid...

Power Lunch: Quality Fuel for the Future!

The theme for National Nutrition Month, taking place in March 2023, asks us to think about how we are fueling our future with the food choices we make today. The focus is on sustainable nutrition options to support every lifecycle phase while...

Preventing Foodborne Illness During the Holidays

Fall is upon us, and October is a perfect time to brush up on how to keep our friends and family safe during the holiday season!  Proper preparation and storage are what we should strive for as we frequent the kitchen, but there are some ...

Childhood Obesity: A Family Approach

Childhood obesity has been on the rise for the past 2 years.  As we enter this new phase of the COVID 19 pandemic where social distancing restrictions are more relaxed and children are once again participating in outdoor activities, and team spor...

Start the School Year Off Right

Getting ready for the first day of school is about more than just buying new pencils and notebooks. By equipping your child with good physical health, mental health, and nutrition, you can empower them to thrive in their new class. Find tips belo...

Add Color to Your Plate at the Farmers Market

By Cintia Castillo, Nutrition Education Tech Spring is in the air, and also in our local farmers markets! The kale and potatoes offered through the winter have made way for brighter colors with sweet and spicy peppers, peaches, tomatoes, berri...

Meet Tom – Addressing Senior Food Insecurity, One Phone Call at a Time

Food insecurity is an issue for people of all ages in the district, but older adults in DC have the highest rate of hunger in comparison to the rest of the nation, Feeding America reports. DC Hunger Solutions found that in 2020, nearly a third...

The Native Flavors of Mesoamerica

By Ana Chavez, WIC Breastfeeding Counselor and Nutrition Technician When we hear about spices, most people think of food from the cultures of India, the Middle East, and Africa. It’s true that rich spices came from those regions, but today I w...

Adding More Than Flavor: Nutritional Benefits of Spices and Herbs

By Nabani Ashraf, WIC Nutritionist Assistant Spices and herbs have always played a strong role in cultural heritages. Historically, spices provided great sources of power and wealth, as they were used for both culinary and medical purposes. In...

Celebrating A World of Flavors: Nutritional Benefits of Traditional Foods

The theme of this year’s National Nutrition Month®, “Celebrate a World of Flavors,” takes us back to the familiar foods we love. It is a journey to the market we used to visit, to grandma’s kitchen, to the country where we or our parents or grand...

Get Inspired by Fall and Winter Vegetables

By Agapé Gooden, RDN, WIC Nutritionist All the delicious vegetables that are in season right now are wonderful for making healthy holiday sides and adding color to your meals. Each one also contains different nutrients that are important for y...

How to Practice Intuitive and Mindful Eating Over the Holidays

By Minati O’Connell, Nutrition Intern, with the Mary’s Center Nutrition Team During the holiday season, we look forward to festive gatherings with our friends, family, and certainly, lots of delicious food. Most of the calories we eat these da...

Stop the Stigma for Obesity in Children

By Kathleen McNeely, Nutritionist Stigma against children in larger bodies is often overlooked as a contributor to childhood obesity, but it’s important to talk about it. This month in honor of National Childhood Obesity Month, we’re sharing t...

6 Tips to Pack a Healthy Lunch Kids Want to Eat

By the Mary’s Center Nutrition Team We have all experienced changes in our eating routines since the pandemic started. With new schedules and limited budgets, it’s not always easy to maintain structured, healthy meals for our families. And now...

6 Tips to Put Fresh and Affordable Produce On Your Plate

By Akua Odi Boateng, MS, RD, LDN, WIC Director, and Cinthia Castillo, WIC Nutrition Education Technician, and Summer is one of the best times to taste local fruits and vegetables, such as apples, cantaloupe, bell peppers, green beans, peaches...

Whole Grains for the Whole Family

By Carolyn Nestman, BS, WIC Nutritionist Assistant Carolyn Nestman, WIC Nutritionist Assistant “I HATE this seeded bread,” I remember my spirited sister declaring to my mom at 6 years old. To get our family to eat a little healthier, my mom...

Portion Distortion: Controlling Portion Sizes at Home and Away

By Donna Dunston, MS, LN, WIC Nutrition Coordinator Donna Dunston, Nutrition Coordinator There it is! In your face all day now that we are working from home. The dreaded refrigerator. The holy grail that holds all things dear to us. FOOD! ...

Embracing Your Culture for Better Nutrition

By Carolina Sierra MS, CNS, Nutrition Services Coordinator All of us have a unique way of doing things, from the way we love to how we practice religion, dress ourselves, and prepare our meals. These customs and habits are all part of who we a...

Let’s Eat the Rainbow!

By Carolina Sierra, Nutrition Services Coordinator Learn how with your Nutritionists at Mary’s Center! In observance of National Nutrition Month in March, those of us who provide nutrition counseling and education at Mary’s Center, including our ...

Holiday eating: Let’s enjoy mindfully!

By Carolina Sierra, Nutrition Services Coordinator Putting restrictions on foods that we love and grew up with can be a source of distress. Part of your holiday self-care routine can include allowing yourself to enjoy your favorite foods in th...

Breastfeeding: Empowering Parents to Overcome Challenges

By: Lisle Cole, WIC Nutrition Associate, CLS, and BPC Last week, a mother of a one-month old baby girl called the WIC office at Mary’s Center to speak with one of our Breastfeeding Peer Counselors because she was worried about not having enoug...

Tips to Spring Clean Your Diet

Spring is a great time to adopt some new habits and set yourself on the path to a long and healthy life! Here are some simple suggestions from two of Mary’s Center’s dietitians, Jessie Lupo and Megan Mauer, to get you started. H...