Addressing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) with Self-Care Practices 

As the days grow shorter and colder, we often feel a shift in our mood and energy levels. For some, this shift may develop into Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression occurring in the fall and winter months. Symptoms include persi...

How a Healthy Diet Helps to Prevent Lead Exposure

Lead is a naturally occurring element that can be toxic to humans, especially children under 6 years old and pregnant adults. If gone undetected, children can experience severe mental and physical development. Common symptoms of Lead poisoning in ...

Health Literacy: Empowering Participants of Mary’s Center 

For many Mary’s Center participants, English is a second language, and language barriers can pose significant challenges when it comes to healthcare. For them, navigating the healthcare system can be daunting and overwhelming. In this blog, we wil...

Learn About Your Genetic Ancestry When You Join All of Us

The All of Us Research Program is building the largest and most inclusive health research initiative of its kind. With more information, researchers can see patterns emerge, make new discoveries, and better understand disease. There are m...

Start the School Year Off Right

Getting ready for the first day of school is about more than just buying new pencils and notebooks. By equipping your child with good physical health, mental health, and nutrition, you can empower them to thrive in their new class. Find tips belo...

What Black Health and Wellness Means to Me

By Lisle Cole, Breastfeeding Counselor Growing up, I remember how my two grandmothers would feed their family and friends as a way to share food, love, time, and memories. No matter how little we may have had, no one would ever know becaus...

The Collective Power of Community Health Centers

By Maria Gomez, President and CEO From a young age, I learned never to take my health for granted. A healthy life should be a human right, but for so many of us, health care is too expensive, too complex, too limited. In the rushed heal...

Should We Worry About Coronavirus?

By Dara Koppelman, Chief Nursing Officer As media coverage of the Coronavirus outbreak increases, we continue to receive more questions from our participants. Understandably, people wonder if they need to worry about this outbreak, and what th...

Holiday eating: Let’s enjoy mindfully!

By Carolina Sierra, Nutrition Services Coordinator Putting restrictions on foods that we love and grew up with can be a source of distress. Part of your holiday self-care routine can include allowing yourself to enjoy your favorite foods in th...

Flu Shot: Know before you say “No”

By: Dr. Dana Mueller, Director of Adult and Family Medicine. As a primary care doctor, I recommend almost all my patients get vaccinated against Influenza (or Flu). Young, old, pregnant, healthy, or chronically ill – ev...

If You Leave your Abusive Partner, You will Not be Alone

By: Arianna Rodriguez, Domestic Violence Advocate As the Domestic Violence Advocate at Mary’s Center, I’ve seen how abusive relationships are often cyclical in many ways alternating between tension, explosion, a honeymoon phase, forgiveness, ...

Understanding Sexual Health: A Conversation with LaKeisha

For Sexual Health Awareness Month, Mary’s Center’s LaKeisha Agnew, Community Outreach and Prevention, sat down to answer questions about sexual health she often hears from community members and staff. LaKeisha has experience with education, preve...

Getting the Most Out of Your Doctor’s Visit

Doctor’s visits are much shorter than they used to be many years ago. As a patient, you have to be prepared in order to make the most of your visit and leave the doctor’s office with all your questions answered. Here are a few tips: The day be...