Eating Disorders are on the Rise. What Can Parents Do About It?

By Lauren Galush MS, RD, LD    Eating disorder instances have risen in the last 20 years and impact individuals across all demographics, including age, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. In recent years, children have begun to exhibit e...

The Impact of Maternal Health on Newborn Health & Birth Defects

Today is Maternal Health Awareness Day. We want to uplift the importance of regular checkups with your prenatal healthcare provider who can identify and manage potential risks early, throughout, and after pregnancy. January is also National Birth ...

Empowering Teens at Mary’s Center Through our After-School Program 

Mary’s Center understands that teen years can be tumultuous and that many youth face challenges that hinder their ability to succeed. Our Teen After-School Program provides a haven for teens, helping them cultivate healthy habits, excel academical...

Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage – What Can We Do?

Cross-sector workforce shortages have seen a dramatic increase since the COVID-19 Pandemic began.  This shortage has hit the K-12 public school system's mental health workforce particularly hard.  Mental health practitioners who support student...

Bright Smiles & Bright Futures: Children’s Dental Health Q&A

Dr. Vineet Dhar loves seeing a child happy and unafraid after their dental appointment.  Mary’s Center’s Social Change Model makes that possible by combining healthcare, social services, and education all under one roof. Dr. Dhar uphold...

Childhood Obesity: A Family Approach

Childhood obesity has been on the rise for the past 2 years.  As we enter this new phase of the COVID 19 pandemic where social distancing restrictions are more relaxed and children are once again participating in outdoor activities, and team spor...

Start the School Year Off Right

Getting ready for the first day of school is about more than just buying new pencils and notebooks. By equipping your child with good physical health, mental health, and nutrition, you can empower them to thrive in their new class. Find tips belo...

Cesia’s Journey to Her Dream School

The pandemic arrived just as Cesia was starting to think about the college application process, near the end of her sophomore year of high school. Cesia with her mom and younger sister Applying to college is already challenging, especially ...

Your Guide to the Vaccine for Children Under 5 Years Old

The moment thousands of parents have been waiting for is finally here! As of June 18, the COVID-19 vaccine has been approved and recommended by the federal government for babies and children as young as six months. Due to the limited vaccine ...

Men Need to Show Up for Themselves First

By Felix Hernandez, Advocacy and Fatherhood Program Manager When men take care of and have healthy connection to themselves, they’re able to show up for their community in positive ways. Men’s Health Month in June is a time to raise awareness ...

How to Manage Your Stress Levels as a Caregiver

By Fernanda Ruiz, Home Visiting Director, and Georgette Saad, Senior Early Childhood Manager People always ask how our kids are doing and they are excited to see how much our kids have grown. However, very few people ask how parents and caregi...

Give Your Baby a Safe Night’s Sleep

By Michelle Timogan Moses, Safe Sleep Program Coordinator Keeping your baby safe, happy, and healthy is your main focus as a new parent. Even while infants are sleeping, there are important precautions you need to take to keep your precious on...

My Mary’s Center Story – Katya Quintanilla

“Teens teach us a lot, and vice-versa… It’s a give and take, and they’re honestly the best group to work with because they’re at a pivotal moment in their life, where depending on what you give them…either they’ll go off and do great things, or i...

Stop the Stigma for Obesity in Children

By Kathleen McNeely, Nutritionist Stigma against children in larger bodies is often overlooked as a contributor to childhood obesity, but it’s important to talk about it. This month in honor of National Childhood Obesity Month, we’re sharing t...

Supporting Children’s Health Through High-Quality Education

By Stephanie Mintz, Student Services Director and Community School Coordinator, Briya Public Charter School In honor of Children's Health Day, I am grateful for Briya Public Charter School’s long-standing and evolving partnership with Mary’s C...

A DREAM Come True: Kenia’s Story

When Kenia immigrated to the U.S. from El Salvador alone at just six years old, she was met with a tearful hug from her mother who had arrived a few years earlier. Kenia had been nervous about traveling by herself – “I was this little girl surrou...

Ready, Set, Go Back to School!

Next month, backpacks will unzip, notebooks will be filled, and school doors will open. After more than a year of virtual learning, most schools will return to full-time in-person education this fall. Mary’s Center Pediatrician Dr. Letizia Val...

New Baby at Home? Follow These Tips for a Good Start!

The time after birth is fun and full of surprises, but it can also be hectic and overwhelming. Mary’s Center Pediatrician Dr. Jessica Schroeder has advice on what to expect and how to keep your baby safe and healthy. Taking Care of your Ba...

How to Prevent Child Abuse in a Pandemic

By Carlos Merchan, Home Visiting Program Manager, and Felix Hernandez, Advocacy and Fatherhood Supervisor As adults, we have a lot of responsibilities, and that can be overwhelming even when we’re not in the middle of a global pandemic. Unders...

Children’s Health from Head to Toe

There’s nothing Dr. Sandra Kim loves more than seeing a child hop out of the dental chair with a big smile on their face after their appointment. Dr. Sandra Kim Dr. Kim is one of our dentists here at Mary’s Center, and for her, it’s not jus...

A Daughter’s Determination

By Antonio Caro, Development Officer “The new Melhek that goes to college wants to take her degree and build healthier communities back in Ethiopia. That’s my goal – to take Mary’s Center’s model and change lives in my homeland. I want to e...

Flu Shot: Know before you say “No”

By: Dr. Dana Mueller, Director of Adult and Family Medicine. As a primary care doctor, I recommend almost all my patients get vaccinated against Influenza (or Flu). Young, old, pregnant, healthy, or chronically ill – ev...

Immunizations: Give Your Child A Great Start in Life!

At Mary’s Center, we love children, and we want to see them happy and healthy. Vaccines play an important part in child health. In commemoration of National Immunization Awareness Month in August, one of our pediatricians, Dr. Christian...

Breastfeeding: Empowering Parents to Overcome Challenges

By: Lisle Cole, WIC Nutrition Associate, CLS, and BPC Last week, a mother of a one-month old baby girl called the WIC office at Mary’s Center to speak with one of our Breastfeeding Peer Counselors because she was worried about not having enoug...

5 Facts You Should Know About Child Vaccinations

Millions of parents immunize their children each year, but others still have doubts, because of misinformation and misconceptions. It is very important for you to know the truth about vaccines. Your child’s life depends on it. One of our pediatri...

Say “Stop” to Bulling!

Twenty-two percent of US students say they have been bullied, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics1. We asked Mary’s Center School-Based Mental Health therapist Vanessa León about this distressing phenomenon ...