Patience White, M.D.
Patience White is co-director of the federally funded Got Transition National Center in Washington, DC and professor of medicine and pediatrics at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dr. White received her MD from Harvard Medical School and a master’s in education from GWU School of Education and Human Development. Throughout her career, she has been active in academic medicine, clinical care, research, and public policy. She has served as the vice president for Public Health Policy and Advocacy at the Arthritis Foundation, chair of the Divisions of Adult and Pediatric Rheumatology and associate dean of Faculty Affairs at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and is a practicing pediatric and adult rheumatologist. In 2000-2001 she was a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow and worked in the Senate Finance Committee on Medicare part D. Since 2010, as part of her work at Got Transition, she provides technical assistance on quality improvement in transition from pediatric to adult health care to integrated health care delivery systems, health plans, Title V agencies, primary and specialty care practices, school-based health clinics, patient organizations and health provider professional societies. She is a trustee of the Frontier Nursing University in KY and serves on the Governor’s Council of the DC chapter of the American College of Physicians.